VELMA – the first IT platform that will help you report ESG and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the range 1,2,3 to your company’s report in the sector

Why do you need to prepare ESG report using VELMA?


    Since March 2021 years in Poland and other EU countries will apply EU Regulation 2019/2088 SFDR disclosure of sustainability (environmental, labor, human rights and anti-corruption) in the financial services sector

  • favorable FINANCING

    ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting contains the data they are looking for, e.g. banks and financing entities. Thanks to them, banks can assess whether your company operates in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and whether it is profitable to provide financing for your company.

  • credibility

    Currently, listed companies will for the fourth time compulsorily publish ESG data in their non-financial reports, but soon medium-sized and smaller entities will also have to pay more attention to this aspect. Otherwise, they risk having a difficult access to capital and a decrease in the attractiveness of your company in the eyes of customers.


    GHG emissions calculations are actually intended to indicate the impact on the climate and energy use, so that it can be measured and presented to your stakeholders (investors, regulators, supervisors, customers, society, competition)

What is new in the companies’ report?


    In November 2018, a report of the European Parliament was published proposing changes to the draft regulation on sustainable investments. The document contains, inter alia, proposals for companies to report the so-called GHG scope 1, 2, 3 emissions.


    The directive imposes, inter alia, obligation to prepare a report on operations or a consolidated report on operations by capital companies, limited joint-stock partnerships, mutual insurance companies, mutual reinsurance companies, cooperatives and state-owned enterprises, which supplement the financial statements.

  • regulations

    The report of the European Parliament 2013/34 / EU proposes to add the subject of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions to the previously adopted scope of information to be included in the activity report in the form of presentation of emissions in the ranges 1, 2, 3 and the results of the implemented activities in relation to the European Union’s climate goals

How to calculate and present information on GHG emissions in the report?

The carbon footprint is calculated in three ranges depending on the purpose of the company’s carbon footprint calculation. It was the calculations in these scopes (scope 1, 2, 3) that were proposed for mandatory reporting in activity reports.

Scope 1

Direct emissions resulting from combustion of fuels in stationary or mobile sources owned or controlled by the company (also emissions from technological processes).

Scope 2

Indirect energy emissions resulting from the consumption of imported (purchased or supplied from outside) electricity, heat, process steam, and cold.

Scope 3

Other emissions, generated along the entire value chain, e.g. as a result of the production of raw materials, waste management, product transport, business trips, use of products.

VELMA platform supporting GHG calculations and ESG reporting

Currently, the VELMA platform enables the calculation of the carbon footprint. We are based on the ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gases – Part 1: Specification and guidelines for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and removals at the organization level and on The GHG Protocol A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, and we also use the GRI Global Reporting Initiative (GRI ), which is the international benchmark for corporate responsibility and sustainable development reporting. Soon the next stages will be put into use by companies!

STEP 1 - GHG emissions and carbon footprint report
STEP 2 - KPI calculations for the environment (E)
STEP 3 - Calculating Social KPIs (S)
STEP 4 - calculating the KPIs of corporate governance (G)
STEP 5 - Ready ESG report

What the GHG emissions report looks like with the VELMA platform

  • The full study report

    You receive the report from the VELMA platform in an electronic version, saved in a PDF file (about 30 pages) with One Pager to attach the company’s report. You can also purchase a license for your own company and generate GHG reports freely (available in Q3 2021).

  • GHG calculations and indicators

    The report presents the method of calculating emissions according to the regulations expressed in [Mg CO2e]

  • GRI indicators 302-1, 305-1,2,3

    You receive the calculated GRI Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) indicators, which constitute the international reporting benchmark for corporate responsibility and sustainable development.

  • Results

    The results in the report in the form of tables with conclusions and comments.

  • Free consultation

    When creating a report, you receive 2 hours of consultations to develop and prepare a report.

The data provided is accidental for the purposes of One Pager presentation

What else do you need to know about VELMA and the GHG report for your company


The cost of preparing a report in VELMA depends on the size of the group and company as well as the data to be aggregated. You can purchase a license available in Q3. 2021.


The reporting period is 14 days from the delivery of complete information from the company. The time may be extended due to the time of entering the amount of company data.

How to get a GHG report for ranges 1,2,3 using VELMA

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Creators of VELMA

dr inż. Lidia Grzegorczyk

energy, green financing, ESG

Barry Coflan
Senior Advisor

strategy, energy, AI

Lidia has a very good approach on project management: methods, simplification, and clear explanations. She has also a very modern way to present, using new digital tools. She gathered already very good expertize in the field of energy efficiency.

Alexandre Farion
Alexandre Farion Commercial Director of the energy group in Poland, Member of the Board

It is my great honor to recommend Lidia Grzegorczyk for key roles in research, energy and innovation. She is extremely smart, broad minded and creative in finding solutions to difficult problems. As a long-time mentor to Lidia during the completion of her PhD and subsequent I’ve learned that Lidia is highly motivated, energetic and very collaborative in her approach. She’s very self-aware and understands where her strengths and weaknesses lie so that she can work within her team to pull together the right resources to address any challenge.

Dave Perry
Dave PerryCOO | MBA Professor | Startup Advisor

Współpracowałam z Lidią Grzegorczyk podczas realizacji nowatorskich działań na rzecz zarządzania energią. Za każdym razem Lidia prezentowała oddanie zadaniu, profesjonalizm,wytrwałość oraz otwarty umysł. Polecam współpracę z Lidią Grzegorczyk

dr inż. Anna Dyląg
dr inż. Anna DylągEkspert energetyki gminnej

I had a pleasure to consult Lidia Grzegorczyk regarding an energy platform that required external financing and she proved to be extremely resourceful, professional and motivated.

Maria Belka
Maria BelkaPrzedsiębiorca

Grzegorczyk Business Consulting to profesjonalizm i skuteczność.Miałam przyjemność współpracować z Panią Lidią, przy projektach energetyki lokalnej. Jej międzynarodowe doświadczenie wpływa na najwyższą jakość oferowanych usług.

Łucja Paulińska
Łucja Paulińskaprawnik energetyczny, Energy Matters Consulting

Pani Lidia jako ekspert związany z obszarem energetyki, wykonała ekspertyzy solidnie i w ustalonym terminie. Do ich przygotowania wykorzystała swoją szeroką wiedzę, a dzięki indywidualnym podejściu i zaangażowaniu wykazała się szerokim zrozumieniem potrzeb firmy.  Z całym przekonaniem polecam Panią Lidię jako profesjonalnego partnera w zakresie wykonywania ekspertyz w projektach energetycznych. 

Radosław Rogalka
Radosław Rogalka Prezes Zarządu Solar Networks

Rozwijając biznes, za bezcenne uznaje otaczanie się osobami będącymi najlepszymi fachowcami w swojej dziedzinie. Taką osobą jest Lidia Grzegorczyk w zakresie opracowywania strategii, analiz mikro i makro technologii w energetyce oraz przygotowywania ekspertyz rozwiązań. Zdecydowanie polecam współpracę z Lidią. Unikatowa wiedza, nieszablonowe podejście

Krzysztof Janik
Krzysztof JanikCEO Enterprise Startup